1. TOP
  2. FEL Data
  3. Dies
  4. Slider Hemming Dies

Slider Hemming Dies

This FEL data is not for V-bending. ( Value "D" can not be calculated.) Therefore, please download the data after reading the following notice carefully.
>Use "Direct Data" mode.
("3D Data"/"Shape Data"/"Angle Data" are Not Available.)

*Direct Data: Input values "L" and "D" on "Run Display" or "Prog Display" through from "Bend Process Display/Tool Select Display"

Direct-input means to input L and D

Not possible to calculate D value (Except V bend type tool)
Radius Bend Slider Hemming Dies Offset Tool Hemming Wing Bend
Radius Bend Slider Hemming Die Offset Tool Hemming ウイングベンド


FELNo. Product Die Upper Width Height Weight Image
105061 New
Hemming Die

76 90 L size 33kg
S size 17kg
105001 Slider
Hemming Die
100 96 (A revised edition is No105601.)

L size 51kg
S size 26kg